There is often a wellness gap between leading well and living well. Depending on your life-fit, the gap might manifest itself in a variety of ways. Severe exhaustion, chronic illness, extreme guilt, brain fatigue, irritability, and anxiety are just a few ways the wellness gap might manifest itself in your life. You've tried time management, calendar blocking, delegation, mindfulness, and gratitude. They might help a little but they don't seem to get to the root of the conflict. I know this conflict first hand. The pace can be crushing, the stress can be exhausting, and the guilt can be heavy. It is not sustainable this way. How often have you resolved to take better care of yourself ? How long did it take for you to return to the relentless schedule that pushed your health and family to the bottom of the list? It IS possible to live well and lead well. Like physical fitness, it takes intentional effort, continuous learning, habit building and support. It's time to unlock the door to sustainable wellness. Each month in LWLW, leaders will receive an on demand personal growth lesson designed to help you be the best version of yourself. We will discuss the tough subjects that impact educational leaders. Things that, without consistent and intentional support and planning, can turn our passion to poison. This community and level of personal development can empower you to go to go to the next level in your work, relationships, health, and life.
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